Celebrating & Supporting

Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne) (MIC) is a not-for-profit organisation supporting individuals, families, and communities from diverse backgrounds in the eastern region of Melbourne to understand Australian life, integrate into a multicultural society and access services. MIC aims to raise awareness of issues affecting refugees and celebrate the positive contributions they have made in our community here in eastern Melbourne.


In partnership with the City of Knox, MIC proudly celebrates our refugee communities through two videos.

VIDEO 1: Raviana Sailo is the Assistant Secretary of Melbourne Mizo Association (MMA). She speaks about MMA and how the association supports the Mizo community in eastern Melbourne. This is followed by a cultural dance performed by the members of MMA at a recent community festival.


VIDEO 2: Maedeh Maghsoodi (Jasmine) is a young Iranian rapper who speaks of the challenges faced by young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds and their experiences of settling in Australia.


Learn more and become part of the team!

Our staff volunteer their time to hold fundraising activities annually to raise money to assist our clients. If you would like more information about MIC or if you are interested in volunteering with us, please contact MIC on (03) 9285 4888 or mic@miceastmelb.com.au.