Jobs Victoria Employment Service Information Session (Cantonese speaker)

Oct 15
  • On Friday 15 October, 2021
  • From 10:30am until 12:00pm

Migrant Information Centre (Eastern Melbourne) Jobs Victoria Mentor Program is holding an employment information session in Chinese to share our knowledge and resources about finding a job in Victoria. We provide free services to jobseekers to get them work-ready and connect them to jobs, and we work with employers to match them to suitable job candidates. Please see list for eligibility:

  • If you are currently unemployed or at a risk of unemployment
  • If you are working less than 12 hours weekly
  • If you are an employer who is looking for support with recruitment

Please scan the QR code for registration. For more details, please contact Yuli Liang on 0466 610 601.

This program is supported by Jobs Victoria. Jobs Victoria supports people looking for work and connects employers with the staff they need -in person, online, and on the phone. Learn more at