Sewing Program for Mizo Community

May 23
  • On Saturday 23 May, 2020
  • From 12:30pm until 3:30pm

The Mizo Women’s Sewing Program has been running for the Community since 2019 and it continued this year at Central Ringwood Community Centre in Ringwood until the COVID-19 lockdown began. MIC has recently re-started the program again online through Zoom with approximately 6 participants. During the program the trainers teach participants how to make clothes including measurements, designing, cutting and sewing.

The program will continue to run via Zoom every Saturday from 12.30pm – 3.30pm and 5.30pm – 8.30pm during school term. The lessons have been taking longer over Zoom as opposed to face-to-face however participants have given positive feedback about the program to date and have been happy to have the opportunity to continue sewing and socialising with others.

For further information, please contact Wesley at MIC on 9285 4888.

This program is funded by the Victorian Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet under the Refugee and Asylum Seeker Community Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships Program.